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The Real Gospel is Not Popular

I think when you really think about it, we all desire to be godly. Its in us. The Bible says we were created for His glory, to glorify the creator. We were made to love Him. So yes, we truly set out to do be good, God fearing people.

But as when the command was given to Adam and Eve to not eat of the forbidden tree, the tree looked all the more appetizing. More appetizing than serving their very own creator. The created outshined the Creator.

So it began…

This is the tug of war that Paul spoke of in his epistles. We want to do right yet the body says this feels better.

Because we were made to love Him, this tug of war causes us to strive for a have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too situation. Let me get God’s blessings without doing a thing.

We misuse the concept of grace to this end, thinking grace absolved us from requirements, work or any kind of responsibility.

We ignore, conveniently, clear commands of what God considers sinful because those just don’t fit us. We tailor God to us rather than tailoring ourselves to God and in the end we have created our own God rather than following the One that already is.

So then we have popular versions of the gospel created to fit us. Ignoring commands that are mean or archaic. The church is packed with lost souls who accepted the nice gospel. The watered down gospel. The popular gospel.

But if we give them the unpopular, straight no chaser gospel, the “no, you cannot do that” gospel, it would be as though one had the rug pulled from under their feet…

However…that IS what we need.

Satan wants the popular gospel. He loves that church because contrary to what the world sees, he runs that church…

Please don’t be fooled by the popular gospel. The unpopular gospel is the good news. Jesus saved us when God, through His grace sent Him to die for our sins. But you must do. Yes you must do something to accept it. You must live what the word teaches. If God condemns it, don’t do it…even if the world changes its view because God has not.

Don’t take my word for it. Read the Bible and take His word for it.

Blessings in your Christian walk,

Christian Music Pusher

Enjoy this highly appropriate song by Jonathan McReynolds


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